Request Username/Name Changes

Who is the Audience for this Service?

This service is intended for all faculty, staff and students.

What is this Service?

This service is for name changes, for the following offerings:

  • Request Student Preferred Name/Legal Name/Username Change: This request allows a student or alumnus to request a change to their preferred name, legal name, or username. 
    • Preferred Name Changes requested using this service will appear in such places as class lists for faculty, the myHome Community tab, and in myHome and Ithaca College web directory searches. It will also change how your first name appears in other resources such as those used by the library and the Office of Public Safety. Additionally, all communications from College Relations and Advancement to you and/or your parents including the IC View magazine, event invitations, newsletters, and philanthropic requests will use your chosen first name.

      Legal Name Changes requested using this service require a photocopy of an acceptable legal document reflecting the name change and will be reviewed before the change is processed.
      Acceptable legal documents are a valid driver's license, marriage license, divorce decree that reinstates the maiden name, adoption documents, court order, valid passport, or birth certificate.

      *Documents that are not considered acceptable legal documents include a social security card and a notarized statement.
      *For international students on a visa, the name must reflect the name that appears on the visa.

      Username Changes are formatted as first initial last name, such as qsmith for Quinten Smith. A digit is added to the username if necessary to avoid duplication of an existing username (i.e. qsmith1). The standard username format will always be used for both new IC community members as well as legal name changes for current community members. The only exceptions would be if the standard format results in a username that is unreasonably long, or offensive based on commonly accepted standards of inappropriate language/words.

Request Faculty/Staff Name Change Request Student Preferred Name/Legal Name/Username Change


Service ID: 246
Tue 7/16/24 11:31 AM
Fri 10/11/24 11:40 AM

Service Offerings (2)

Request Faculty/Staff Legal Name Change
This is what a person would submit to request a legal name change and/or Username change from HR
Student Preferred Name/Legal Name/Username Change
Use this service to request a change to a student or alumnus' preferred name, legal name, or username