Request a Technology Project, Purchase, or Major Change

Are you looking to solve a problem, enhance the student experience, or increase efficiency in your area using a technology solution? Involving IT&A as early as possible in this process can help result in the best solution and strategic use of the college's resources!

Please complete this form to request IT&A involvement in a major technology change such as the following:

  • Identification of a technology solution
  • Implementation of a technology solution
  • Search and selection of a vendor tool to be purchased
  • Development of a custom technology solution
  • Large-scale hardware upgrade

Requests for small-scale or select technology changes or purchases, there are specific service requests such as those below:

Technology Project or Purchase Request Process

After submitting this request form, you will hear back from our IT&A Project Management team within 7 business days. Please keep in mind, the entire process, including information gathering and discussion with IT&A leadership, can take up to 6 weeks. If you need immediate assistance with technology, please contact the Service Desk:

  1. Request: Complete the technology project request by clicking the green button on the right
  2. Information Gathering: A member of the IT&A Project Management Team will reach out to you to discuss your project, potential solutions, or next steps
  3. Leadership Review: The Project Management Team will discuss your request and recommendations with IT&A leadership at a monthly review meeting
  4. Response: IT&A leadership will respond to this request with how we can help, including resources and time line.

When should this request be submitted? As soon as possible in the process of considering a technology solution or purchase, or replacement of an existing system. This will allow IT&A to assist in finding the best solution and use resources strategically.

Please note for purchases, if a vendor contract is involved, the contract will need to be submitted and approved through the college's Contract Review process before being signed:

Tips for Requestors


Requestors can prepare for conversations with IT&A about their project by identifying:

  • current solution being used
  • problem to be solved
  • desired features and capabilities of new solution, prioritized (which are required vs. preferred)
  • number of users (by faulty, staff, students)
  • timing considerations (ie. deadlines, contract end dates, usage windows)
  • data or system integrations
  • solution ownership post-implementation