The purpose of technology renewal is to ensure that the majority of standard-use, institutionally owned computers are fully capable of running current applications and any future upgrades or new applications anticipated during the projected planning cycle and to ensure that these computers can be adequately supported.
This article is intended for faculty and staff.
The purpose of this guide is to assist you in finding all of the information you may need to complete a Technology Renewal replacement. The Technology Renewal Program exists to ensure that the majority of standard-use institutionally owned devices are capable of handling the latest software and operating system versions.
What is Technology Renewal?
What is the Technology Renewal Program?
Why does Ithaca College have the Technology Renewal Program?
What happens to my device after the Tech Renewal process is complete?
What information will I need to complete my renewal?
How does IT&A identify computer assets?
How do I find the device being replaced via the help portal?
How do I schedule my Tech Renewal appointment?
What is expected from me before my renewal date?
Backup your data
Identify specialized software
What should I expect on my renewal date?
Laptop to Laptop Swap
Desktop to Laptop Swap
Desktop to Desktop Swap
For more information
What is Technology Renewal?
What is the Technology Renewal Program?
Through the Technology Renewal Program, the majority of college owned computers are replaced on a recurring four year cycle. Devices that are part of the Technology Renewal Program are acquired through a four year lease on the machines. Every four years, employees of the college will be provided with a replacement device, and their previously assigned device will be sent back to our leasing partner.
Why does Ithaca College have the Technology Renewal Program?
The Technology Renewal Program is designed to ensure that the majority of college owned computers are capable of running the latest operating systems and programs. This helps Ithaca College keep up with advancements and changes in computer hardware. Devices under the Technology Renewal Program are fully supported by Ithaca College. The Ithaca, and LA campuses are covered under the program.
What happens to my device after the Tech Renewal process is complete?
Once devices are collected via the Technology Renewal Program, they are shipped to our leasing partner where they will be wiped of ALL data according to DoD standards as per our contract.
What information will I need to complete my renewal?
All Ithaca College owned devices have an asset sticker printed out and stuck to the device. We keep track of our device inventory by using the serial number of the device. For laptops, this sticker is located on the bottom of the laptop. On desktops, the sticker is most commonly on the top of the machine.
There are three important pieces of information on your asset sticker:
1). The IT Service Desk phone number
2). The serial number of the asset
3). The replacement cycle for the device.

If you cannot read the cycle and serial number on the asset sticker, you can still find this information on the help portal.
How do I find the device being replaced via the help portal?
1). In a web browser of your choosing, navigate to
2). Click on "My Submitted Tickets"

3). Answer the sign in and DUO prompts to access the help portal.
4). Find and open your tech renewal ticket to see the attached asset

5). Under the "Assets" category, you will be able to see the asset attached to this ticket.

How do I schedule my appointment?
When your computer is up for renewal, you will receive an email from the Technology Renewal team about 3 months prior to your replacement date. This is for us to check in with you, confirm your platform preferences, and discuss potential upgrades. You will later receive a notification confirming your Technology Renewal ticket. The ticket will contain the replacement information we have, as well as a link to the scheduling page. If you do not schedule a time for replacement, we will do so for you. We use Microsoft Bookings to schedule the computer replacements. The link to the Bookings page to schedule an appointment will be included in the ticket update.
What is expected from me before my renewal date?
Back Up Your Data!
Data stored on your current computer must be copied or moved to a new location prior to Technology Renewal. You are responsible for your data.
This data could consist of files such as Word documents and templates, PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, photos, browser bookmarks, music, etc. Most data should be found somewhere in your "This PC" (Windows) or "Home" (macOS) folders on your current computer.
Backup options that are available to you:
1. We recommend using OneDrive via Microsoft 365. It always available and on by default for Ithaca college faculty and staff, and has 1 TB of space. For more information, review our OneDrive knowledge base article.
2. The IT Service Desk has high-capacity external hard drives that can be reserved for your temporary use.
Identify specialized software
Please review the [current IC software bundle] for a list of programs provided by default on all Ithaca college computers. If you use any specialized software NOT in the IC software bundle, it is your responsibility to verify with the vendor that the software will work with the newest versions of Windows or MacOS.
If you have any licensed software not in the IC software bundle, please have any accompanying license codes available for technicians on the day of your renewal.
If you have any non-standard hardware like cameras, recording devices, or other USB devices, they may require additional software and/or drivers to be installed for full functionality. Check with the manufacturer to verify that the hardware and software will work with the newest versions of Windows and MacOS.
What should I expect on my renewal date?
Laptop to Laptop Swap
When you bring your laptop and power adapter to the Service Desk (Job Hall 104), we will facilitate the swap of the computers. One of our team members will verify that you have backed up any important data, and guide you through the laptop deployment process.
Desktop to Laptop Swap
We will convert your office to be compatible with laptop usage. This means removing the desktop computer and connecting your keyboard, mouse, and monitor(s) to your laptop via a multi-port adapter. The adapter will allow you to use your peripherals for a nearly identical computing experience between desktop and laptop use.
Desktop to Desktop Swap
We will come to you to complete the swap.
For More Information
A variety of support services are available from IT if you would like additional help:
- Online documentation and tutorials on IC-supported computing software and systems are available through our knowledge base articles in our IT service portal.
- View the Technology Renewal FAQ for answers to common questions.
- Front line computing support is available through the IT Service Desk in 104 Job Hall; send an e-mail to or call 607-274-1000.