Services related to computer devices and hardware; equipment moves and repair, loaner equipment, and more.

Categories (1)

Technology Renewal

Services related to the Technology Renewal program.

Services (11)

Audio Visual Support

This service is used to request work from the Audio Visual group.

Digital Signage Access and Help Requests

Use this form to request assistance with digital signage issues, such as software malfunctions, offline or damaged signs. If you are looking for information on how to use Optisigns, please visit

Equipment Moves

Request for College computer equipment to be moved.

Equipment Removal

Request removal of unneeded or non-functional IC computer equipment.

Faculty and Staff Request for Loan

Faculty and Staff would use this service to request to loan an asset from IT.

Personal Device & Service Desk Consultation

Use this service to request a consultation for a non-Ithaca College computer or device from the Service Desk.

Request to Reimage a Campus Computer

Reimaging a computer helps faculty, and staff maintain, move and update their devices. By using this service, you can ensure that your computer is running smoothly and that you have access to all the necessary software and tools you need to succeed.

Reserve Technology Loaner Equipment (Smarthub)

Short-term computer equipment reservations for faculty and staff.

Screen Saver Removal

Request the removal of the screen saver from your device

Student Requests for Loan

Students may request to loan a device from the IT Service Desk, the Library, or the Center for Creative Technology.

Hardware Help Request

Faculty, staff and students help with a computer, attached device (mouse, keyboard), monitor, etc.